5 Day Sales Gap Analysis
5 days of analyzing the sales process and identifying the gaps in the sales process that create LOST SALES, LONG SALES CYCLES, and the DEEPEST LOSSES IN REVENUE
Are you exhausted from the continuing UPS & DOWNS of sales, profits, client retention and staffing issues?
Sales is a machine…..and like any other machine, experiences it’s own unique wear and tear.
Consider a FULL DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS of the sales team, and sales processes, to identify and develop a strategy for those things that CREATE THE BIGGEST GAPS IN THE SALES PROCESS…..The factors that only an outside lens can help to identify that:
* Create LOST sales
* Create LOST clients
* Create unnecessarily LONG SALES LEAD TIMES
* Create the deepest BOTTOM LINE losses
In the course of 5 days you will have the blindspots identified, a strategic solution identified, and a roadmap to the next 6 to 12 months of REDUCED TURNOVER, HIGHER SALES, HIGHER PROFITS, & GREATER CLIENT SATISFACTION.