There’s no FAST FORWARD for New Leaders

Not all Leaders are Equal

The #1 asset most people seek in their leadership is WISDOM.  Wisdom is born out of experience, not a book or a classroom.

So it begs the questions:

“How can someone new to the role of leader actually add value to those they lead?”

“Is leadership just a title or an entitlement, or is it something more meaningful than that?”

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Here are the top five challenges new leaders often face in their first year:

  1. Building Credibility and Trust
    • New leaders must establish their authority while earning the trust of their team. Striking a balance between being approachable and authoritative can be challenging, especially when transitioning from a peer to a leader.  COMMAND RESPECT – DON’T DEMAND RESPECT.
  2. Adjusting to a Leadership Mindset
    • Moving from an individual contributor role to a leadership position requires shifting focus from personal achievements to team success. This transition involves learning to delegate effectively and prioritizing team development over individual tasks.  DELEGATING IS NOT DUMPING – INVOLVE THOSE BEING LEAD IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PATH TOWARD THE GOAL.
  3. Managing and Influencing People
    • Leading a diverse team with varying skill levels, personalities, and motivations can be daunting. New leaders often struggle with giving constructive feedback, resolving conflicts, and inspiring their team to achieve goals.  FIND A MENTOR TO TEACH HOW TO CONFRONT WITHOUT BEING CONFRONTATIONAL.
  4. Setting and Aligning Goals
    • Establishing clear, achievable objectives that align with the organization’s vision is critical. New leaders may find it difficult to prioritize tasks and balance short-term deliverables with long-term strategic goals.  ENSURE THAT THOSE BEING LEAD SEE THE BENEFIT TO THEMSELVES OF ACHIEVING AND MISSING THE LONG-TERM GOAL.
  5. Navigating Organizational Dynamics
    • Understanding and managing relationships with peers, senior leaders, and other stakeholders is essential. New leaders may find it challenging to navigate office politics, manage upward, and build effective cross-functional collaborations.  AVOID SUCCESSION MANAGEMENT MINDSETS AND SPEND TIME ON 1 THROUGH 4.

The top 3 practices we recommend for people new to the role of leadership are:

  1. Focus on building relationships
  2. Seek mentorship
  3. Implement continuing leadership development can help overcome these challenges.

Some resources to help keep this whole thing simple:

  1.  Jon Antonucci, founder of Servant Minded Leadership offers a 10-session course specifically dedicated to the development of the new and front-line leaders. 
  2. CREATE THE DIFFERENCE – A Leader’s Guide to Strategy, Growth, and Hiring
  3. CLEAR LEADER: KIND LEADER – Audiobook specific to sales leaders on the rise.
  4. PODCAST: “Why Sales Managers Fail”

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