Veteran Business

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Is Sleep holding you back?

Tossing and turning, waking up in the middle of the night, or struggling to fall asleep — these occasional sleep troubles can be incredibly frustrating. They may also be signs that simple lifestyle habits, stress, or bedtime routines could be affecting your rest. Everyone experiences sleep troubles from time to time, but have you ever … Read more

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There’s no FAST FORWARD for New Leaders

Not all Leaders are Equal The #1 asset most people seek in their leadership is WISDOM.  Wisdom is born out of experience, not a book or a classroom. So it begs the questions: “How can someone new to the role of leader actually add value to those they lead?” “Is leadership just a title or … Read more

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When Leaders get in their own way

As a Professional Coach, and Business Consultant, I encounter hundreds of businesses, thousands of people and I do it all around the world. One amazing fact jumps out at me all the time, and that is how often leadership gets in their own way when it comes to solutions. Remember, when a person or company … Read more


Here are 3 tips to leadership excellence: If you haven’t participated in a strength analysis as a leader, you need to as soon as you can.  If you as a leader spend 70% of your time working in your areas of strength, you increase your level of happiness.  When you are happy, the likelihood of … Read more

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What happens next comes down to Sales Leadership

In case you are wondering how MISSION CRITICAL sales leadership is to business growth, personal growth, employee income, bottom line profits, employee & client retention, just consider these TOP 10 FACTS of sales leadership: 2.  Sales teams with strong leadership are 50% more likely to meet their quotas than teams with weak leadership. (Source: Sales … Read more

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Recently I addressed an audience of sales leadership, and outlined 7 strategic mindsets the TOP SALES LEADERS OF THIS DIGITAL AGE ARE MIND SHIFTING TOWARDS in order to CREATE THE DIFFERENCE for themselves as leaders, CREATE THE DIFFERENCE between their organization and their competitors, and CREATE THE DIFFERENCE for the teams they lead: 1. Importance … Read more

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Mastering Focus in a Distracted World

In an age where the beep of notifications constantly vies for our attention, the art of focusing has never been more critical, especially in the realms of sales and leadership. In the latest episode of “Sales Hindsights” hosted by Patrick Kagan, a riveting roundtable discussion unveils the transformative power of focus. Let’s delve into the … Read more


Disconnecting Team Disconnects

Anyone who has ever led a team, dreams of building, motivating, and growing the ultimate dream team, that just continues year over year to become dreamier! The reality, no matter where you lead, and no matter how many people you lead, is that more often than not, things don’t start, continue, and sustain the same … Read more

Spend the Most Time on What takes you the Least Time

This is the rule of efficiency…. the concept of getting the highest level of results with the least number of resources used. It is absolutely essential in developing as a person, and in making the transition from individual to team member…. from team member to leader…. from good leader to great leader…..and from great leader … Read more


Are you a Leader struggling with SILENT SOBATAGE? Often times the only one that the sabotage is silent to is the leader.  All too often leaders can be ACTIVELY or PASSIVELY sabotaged in their efforts to bring about growth, culture, and community. Silent sabotage commonly happens throughout workplaces.  Leaders are either aware that they are … Read more

BURNOUT – Like a Fog Leaders NAVIGATE their people through!

Burnout is a real symptom of real problems in today’s workplace.  It is not something that necessarily makes itself known to everyone around…. rather, it creeps in like a slow fog, easy to miss what it is doing…until it is all around you, and difficult to navigate through. A recent Gallup pole found that over … Read more

WHY is your WHY your WHY?

I was recently privileged to be part of a panel discussion at a professional development workshop that had professionals from the corporate sector, the educational sector, and the non-profit sector.  It had professionals who worked within the constructs of corporate entities, and it had entrepreneurs and small business owners. The theme of the panel discussion … Read more

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