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SOFI SYNDROME(Successful Outwardly – Failing Inwardly )

Did you ever consider the idea that sometimes, the only voice you need to silence is the little voice inside your head? How often do we sabotage from within without even giving something a try? As a leader in business, or as an individual professional just setting some professional goals, many times we create our … Read more

Longing for the WONDER of Childhood CURIOSITY?

Curiosity…. AUTHENTIC CURIOSITY…is an action, a reflex to empathetic echoes.  Empathy and Curiosity exist together, and like any other nerve that receives stimulus information and response output, both need to be used, exercised, worked, and put into practice on a regular basis to function effectively.  Empathy and Curiosity are all time virtues, not sometime statements.

What Sets you Apart from the competition in the BUYERS MIND?

What are you doing regularly that distinguishes your solutions and services from all others to the buyers you are selling to? DIFFERENTIATION, AFTER ALL……EXISTS IN THE BUYERS MIND BEFORE IT EXISTS IN THE SELLERS WORLD. The buyers have a bias toward action…. their title makes that clear…. their title is an action verb!  The burden … Read more

What to do with Low Performing Sales teams

The very first thing you can do as a business leader, or as a sales team leader, is STOP BEING THE CAUSE OF THE LOW PERFORMANCE YOUR TEAM IS GENERATING. According to THE CENTER FOR SALES STRATEGY, 70% of today’s workforce is completely disengaged, especially at end of quarter and end of year markers.  They … Read more

Environment Creates Culture

The conscious decision to build an environment founded on principle centered behavior, and values takes a concerted effort.  Knowing that environment creates culture, Hawthorn School District 73 began re-creating the culture within each of the 9 buildings that comprise the school district. Under the leadership of Superintendent Peter Hannigan, the district created a steering committee … Read more


If your walls could talk, what would they say? In the case of John Hersey High School in Arlington Heights Illinois, and Plum Grove Junior High in Rolling Meadows Illinois, they decided to let their walls speak volumes about the principles and practices of their citizens. The effectiveness of their word choices allows these “ANCHOR … Read more

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